Here comes decade #4

I just turned 30.  I’m now older than 42% of Americans.

Not totally sure if I’m pumped about this or not.  People say that I’m now old enough to know what needs to be done – yet young enough to still do it.  I hope they are right.  I do have a 99.003% chance of making it to age 40 – so that’s something to be pumped about.

Up-and-coming will no longer describe me — does that mean I’m “there”?  I like to think I’m still on my way.

81% of women have been married by age 30, 72% of men… I’m on track there.  What other things was I supposed to have done by now?  Meh – ‘supposed to’ is boring… I’m happy with what I’ve accomplished.

“You’re younger than I expected” was something I got used to hearing when meeting people for the first time.  I’ll need to recalibrate my expectations.

I loved my later teens and 20’s – I had a great time and the world was laid out before me.  I might have uncovered a bit of the map now, but I believe there is still a lot left — my dreams still exceed my memories — so I’m good to go…

Speaking of people that have big dreams … Here is an engagement session from last fall: Kelly and Justin, and their dog.  We strode around Minnehaha Park in St. Paul and took full advantage of the off-leash dog park.  I’ve got to get my guy down there sometime too…


Author: Joe

Wedding Photographer based out of Minneapolis - St. Paul Minnesota specializing in candid work but also offering cool, artisic portrait imagery.