Seth: Future Firefighter

Colleen has been friends with Seth’s dad Sam for 12 years and can still remember when Sam started dating his now wife, Karen.  Sam and Karen are made for each other and the nicest people you will ever meet, so it’s no wonder that baby Seth was so cooperative during his photo shoot!  Sam is a firefighter and wanted to incorporate that into the photos which made for some seriously unique images.  Karen is a teacher and also a wedding veil-maker extraordinaire!  She is the person behind my “Awesome custom veil maker” link that has been in the right-hand column of this blog since its inception.  She made two amazing and perfect veils for Colleen for our wedding and we were so happy to be able to offer these special photos of her new little guy.  We took these when Seth was one week old – and now this time will be immortalized forever.  Congrats to the new Strassburg family!


Author: Joe

Wedding Photographer based out of Minneapolis - St. Paul Minnesota specializing in candid work but also offering cool, artisic portrait imagery.

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